What week is it?!

So, I have given up on the weekly updates!  I knew it was a matter of time, but it's now official.  I just can't keep up with it.  Here is what has been happening the last few weeks ...

All dressed up and ready to go!
As of tomorrow, Ellie is officially 7 weeks old.  It really does fly by!  A lot has happened in the last few weeks, too.  Ellie had her first trip to church and out to eat!  We went to Cheddar's with Sara and Robbie.  She did a great job at both places, but got a little fussy at the end of our meal!  At least we got to finish and it was loud enough that no one noticed.  I have a feeling I'll be keeping a mental note of all the restaurants that are loud from now on. 
First trip to church!  8-21-11
She is starting to develop a little bit of a "routine."  We have started doing a nightly bath and nursing before and after.  She is sleeping about five hours a night (sometimes more, sometimes less), but rarely goes to sleep before 11 pm.  It has been nice getting a few hours of sleep each night!  It makes the fact that I've gone back to work a little bit easier!  Don't get me wrong, it is definitely hard, but sleep helps!  I have 26 students this year and while they are very sweet, they are a little talkative.  As long as I can get at least 4 1/2 hours I'm not too impatient with them!  :)

Bath time setup!
Rollin and I are trying to get used to this new schedule of ours (with me working during the day and him working in the late afternoon).  We have had to DVR a lot of our favorite shows.  You'd think that would work out nicely, but 9 times out of 10, we fall asleep before we finish the episode.  Can you tell we're newbies?  By the way, our new favorite is "Up All Night."  If you have seen it, it is more like our life than we'd like to admit! 
Best Buds
First UT Game!  Go Vols!
8 lbs 14 oz 22 in.
We have been so blessed by all of the family that has been helping us out!  Thanks especially to Meme and Aunt Beth for starting our weekly "childcare"!  We couldn't do it without you!
Aunt Beth
Please continue to pray for our family as we fight off exhaustion and continue to adjust to life with little Miss Ellie!


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